Having voiced that rant, I have spent the time since in reading some of the many many Indian websites, and there are lots of good signs of cooperation.  Enough to inspire me to go on and figure out where best to contribute because lots more is needed.

There is so much outrage and need in the world, more than there ever has been in my lifetime. Out of it all, it seems that saving the air that we breathe, the water that we drink is paramount. There is a global network of people who talk to each other but we do not get news of it. It is all on the Web though. In Canada., the First Nations, Indians are out in front everywhere leading the resistance to the ecological carnage. Start here:   indiancountrymedianetwork.com Indiancountrynews.com Idlenomore. Twnssacredtrust.ca tyee.ca commonsensecanadian.ca One leads to another